FASD is one of the most misunderstood disabilities. Finally, someone who understands.
Meltdowns and executive dysfunction? Confusing behaviours? History of trauma? Together we can work to
build success.
Service navigation, funding applications, and advocacy with schools and community services.
What's Happening at Ages & Stages?

Hi, my name is Ginny Fazari and I am a Child and Youth Care Practitioner based in Hamilton, Ontario. Having worked in community-based Children's Mental Health for over 20 years, I have dedicated my career to supporting families in the Hamilton and Halton Communities. With a strong interest and hundreds of hours of specialized training in FASD, I offer trauma-informed, neuro-developmentally appropriate supports for those supporting children and youth with complex needs.
Click here for more information about my areas of interest and philosophical approach.
Virtual service available across Ontario.
About Me